1- Large Crowds / Agoraphobia
Extreme or irrational fear of entering open or crowded places, of leaving one's own home, or of being in places from which escape is difficult
2- Dark Hallways / Bathophobia
More specifically people with Bathophobia experience anxiety even when they realize they are safe from falling or being consumed by depths, this includes long dark hallways, wells, deep pools, or lakes.
3- Stairs / Bathmophobia
Fear of stairs or slopes. People can experience fear of this sorts when looking at or using stairs or any kind of slopes
4- Trees / Dendrophobia
Many people needlessly remove mature trees as a result of an irrational fear that the tree could fall and harm them, their family, or their property.
5- Teeth / Dentophobia
More specifically the fear of dentists or going to the dentist for any kind of dental procedure.
6- Carbonated drinks / Anapsytikophobia
This can strain from knowing the health side affects of soft drinks, fearing that drinking carbonated drinks will fill your stomach with gas.
7- Frogs / Ranidaphobia
Fear of frogs and toads, popular beliefs are that frogs are bad omens and touching one may cause warts.
8- Vents / Ancraophobia
More specifically Ancraophobia is the fear of wind, people who suffer from this become anxious near doors, open windows, and vents
9- Natural disasters / Lilapsophobia
Caused by an unwanted experience, specifically tornadoes, hurricanes or tsunamis, any natural disaster that may cause injuries.
10- Vomit/ Emetophobia
Causes people to avoid situations or activities that increase the risk of vomiting, whether it be themselves or other people.